To every thing there is a season
I have always wanted to engage with the theme from Ecclesiastes,
which, in modern times, has been taken almost literally by the beautiful song by The Byrds.
I also offer my interpretation of this theme with a Shakespearean patina.
To every thing there is a season,
there is a purpose under this reason.
Under this law, your right to cry:
What piece of work am I?
Why do you refrain from dying?
Don't be a fool - you know the Why.
All that lives will decline.
There is a time to live and die,
A time to weep, a time to heal,
A time for joy, a time for ordeal.
A time to love, a time to hate,
A time to deny, a time to state.
Do you wish to kill thyself in depth—
with a long living death?